This marks post 2000. Its been an interesting 6 years but now I'm ready for a change. What to do? I have decided to turn this blog into my day job and launching point for writing and photography. To tell he truth I have always been offended by bloggers putting up a donate button. ”Really? you want my hard earned dollars so you don’t have to work?”
On the flip side established bloggers work their ass off publishing a one man/woman magazine. Until you have consistently published a blog week in and week out for years on end you cant imagine how time consuming it is, or how expensive it can be.
The world is a changing place and it is harder and harder every year to make a buck while voyaging. Sure I occasionally magazine articles but magazines are dying a bitter death everywhere you look. I’m not sure what to do. I could add a donate button, not for upgrading the boat or living expenses but for past posts. I could sell photos for a small fee, or even offer a subscription newsletter, or e-books. The truth is I’m in a lower income bracket and wont make it without some small form of income, so I am asking your opinion What should I do? Beg for it? sell my average images?, crappy videos?, Any ideas will be helpful. Please help